Are numbers running the world?

It’s pretty evident that the world today is sliding quickly into one where numbers and accountants rule.  This is a problem.  Not that I don’t like accountants (although they’re mostly pretty boring), but I don’t want them to run my life.  Where did the “art” of life disappear to?  By art I don’t mean the fine arts, but those aspects of life that should be dominated by creativity and gut-feeling.  What will our culture look like when it’s completely gone.  Entire industries that were once the fountainheads of creativity are now the maidservants of accountancy.  It stifles invention and takes most of the fun out of life.  Witness the automobile industry.   Do you remember how exciting it was to see the new model year come out – to look at those designs – to “feel” the urge to have one in your driveway?  Can’t say that any more, can you?  Or how about Television.   A medium that could be a bastion of creativity – its immediate, its available everywhere, and everyone is addicted to it.  But Lo – somebody produced a cop show that focused on solving crimes by the scientific evidence.  One show – cool.  But now we have 51 shows just like it, on every channel and situated in every city!  So, more evidence of the domination of numbers over art.     …

send in your story about something or some part of life that is now run ‘by the numbers’……

to be continued …